Monday, February 19, 2007

Looking at Reconstruction

Our textbook gives a brief discussion of Reconstruction.

I think George Henry White would be a good figure for us to look at in this class as we think about Reconstruction...

I learned about Representative White when I was looking at the list of African Americans who have served in Congress. The chart on page 443 lists the number of African Americans elected in each decade, but does not show the total number serving during any one year. It also seems to show a great increase, but it does not point out that when representation jumps to the top of the charts, at nearly 40 members, that represents far less than 10% of the 535 members of congress (100 Senators, plus 435 Representatives). It also conceals how few African American Senators there have been in the past 100 years.

There have been three:

Edward W. Brooke Republican Massachusetts 1967-1979

Carol Moseley Braun Democrat Illinois 1993-1999

and the one current African American Senator,

Barack Obama Democrat Illinois 2005-present

There were NO African American Senators from 1881-1967, from 1979-93, and from 1999-2005.

Another interesting figure is Representative Oscar De Priest of Chicago.

And a final comparison point is the number of women in Congress today.

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